Sunday, 26 February 2012

Week 8: Jan 19-25

This week certainly had a lot of ups and downs. Mail was pretty good, 3 coupon trains with some excellent coupons I had never seen before for bread, snacks and canned goods. Finally received my Free Liberte yogurt coupon (still waiting for 2 more) and also 2 coupons for a free pack of Dempster's Bagels (used them today).

On the down side my daughter was sick with the flu. I have determined I now loath Pamper's diapers as they have proved to leak; resulting in poop all over my house. To top it all off this weekend she pulled a glass piggy bank down off a bookshelf, which hit her on the head; Saturday was spent at the walk-in clinic and then taking it easy to make sure she didn't have any serious side effects. After such a crazy week I definitely needed to get out of the house for some coupon therapy (lol!)


Bear Paws Cereal Bars: reg. $3.49. on sale. $2.00X8 = $16.00 - 8X$0.50 = $12.00 = $1.50 per box

Total: $12.00
Coupons: $4.00
Savings : 25%

Save On: Last week I mentioned I had a huge shopping trip's what I scooped up!

Olymel Chicken Chunkies: reg. 14.49. on sale: 9.99X2 - 2X$6.50 stacks = $6.98 = $3.49 a box!
Campbell's Chicken Broth: reg. 6.46. on sale: 2 for $4 - $2.00 stack = $2.00 = $1.00 each!
Goldfish Grahams: reg. $3.49. on sale: $2.00 - $1.50 stack = $0.50!
Johnson's Baby Wash: reg. $5.29. on sale: $3.99 - $4.00 stack = +0.01 (FREE!)
Oral B Toothbrush: reg. $1.88. on sale. $1.00X5 - 5X$1.00 = FREE!
V8 Fusion Juice: reg. $3.99. on sale: $2.50X2 - 2X$1.50 stacks = $2.00 = $1.00 each!

Total: $15.50
Coupons: $28.00
Savings : 64%
(saved $53 in in-store sales and coupons combined = 77% savings)

Total Spent Week 8: $53.37 (went to Lepp's Market to buy Mennonite Cracklings)
Total Coupons Week 8: $32.00
% Savings: 38%

Total Spent to Date: $772.76
Total Coupons to Date: $368.21
% savings to Date: 32%

I'm under $100 per week for groceries ($96.63 to be exact)!

If anyone missed my facebook deal of the week, Save On has their Western Family Lazagna on sale for $3.99. There is also a coupon (good till Monday night) for $3.00 off, making their Lazagna $0.99. I bought 7 since that was all my freezer could hold. Here's the link to the coupon:

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