Sunday, 22 January 2012

Week 3: Jan 15-21

Slow week this week...didn't get out much due to the weather. The Fraser Valley was hit by a crazy snowstorm Sunday night which preceded to dump over 2 feet of snow in 48 hours. By Wednesday people were snowed in and schools in the area were closed indefinitely until the weather cleared up. Thursday and Friday brought freezing rain, creating skating rinks out of parking lots and ice castles from the snow that had already fallen. Mail was backed up and not delivered in some areas until late Friday. Saturday was pretty much the only day I dared to venture out, however all in all I got some good deals, spent very little and got some excellent coupons and trains in the mail, despite the crazy weather.

Mail was good, considering. This week I got 2 coupon trains, 2 envelopes from, $20 in Activia coupons (used some already), a FPC for a free box of triscuits and my mom sent me an envelope with a P&G insert, some stamps and some other great coupons. However, the best mail was by far 4 boxes of 24 K-cups from Timothy's World of Coffee. I entered a giveaway on their facebook page and me and about 500 other people got sent 96 K-cups for Keurig coffee machines-free! 2 boxes of decaf and 2 boxes of pumpkin spice. I don't have one of these machines, so i'll probably end up selling the boxes. I also got my modem from Telus which I was waiting for, so we have internet again.

As I mentioned, didn't get out much so I didn't buy a ton this week, but here are the deals I did get:

Save-On Foods:
3X Van Houtte Coffee 1 lb: reg $12.19, on sale $8.99X3 - 3X$8.00 stacks = $2.97 = .99 cents per bag
Ground Beef: $3.99 - FPC (with 2900 Save on More Points) = FREE

Total: $8.95 (Bought some bread/hotdog buns)
Coupons: $27.99
Savings : 76%

Tenderflake Easy Pie Crust: $3.47-FPC (Free Product Coupon) = FREE!
2 Pouches of M&Ms: reg $3.48 on sale $2.50 X 2 - 2 X $1.00 = $3.00 = $1.50 each
Activia Yogurt: $2.97 - $2.00 = $0.97
5lb Russet Potatoes = $1.97 (no coupon, just a good deal)
Michelina's Entree = on sale $1.00 - 50 cents = $0.50
Lean Cuisine = reg. $4.29, on sale $3.87 - FPC = FREE!
*Primo Pasta Sauce: on sale $1.00 X 12 cans = $12.00 (no coupons, excellent deal so I stocked up)

Total: $37.97
Coupons: $13.54
Savings : 26%

I also bought some other stuff this week, no coupons, couple jugs of milk, bread, steak and cake mix for my husband's birthday...the rest of my groceries for the week totaled: $42.48

Total Spent Week 3: $89.40
Total Coupons Week 3: $41.53
% Savings: 32%

Total Spent to Date: $304.15
Total Coupons to Date: $137.60
% savings to Date: 31%

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